
The chief editor and subject expert editors analyze each and every article that is submitted to us. The editor-in-chief will not accept any articles that are improperly formatted or that violate our publishing policies. The papers are published in a subsequent issue after being properly screened and corrected. 

Submission Guidelines for Authors: 

Acceptance or rejection of an article for publication is solely at the discretion of the Reviewer Board Members.

Note: Our goal is to include all submitted articles in the upcoming issue; however, if we receive more than expected, we may choose to include a subset of them in a subsequent issue. Accordingly, we ask that you be patient and hold off on publishing your article until the newsletter's next second issue.

About Article:

Article that does not adhere to the required format will not be accepted.

Article Format: Articles sent should be in proper .doc, .docx, and MS-WORD format, Font - Times New Roman, with 1.5 spacing.

Articles words limited to about 1500-2000 words (Includes required images and references).

Important date:    Submission Due Date – 15th August 2024

After reading the aforementioned instructions, authors should send their articles to via our official email address.